Trademark: Approved

Escape Tactic Trademark: Approved

Last week we got word that our trademark request for our Escape Tactic logo was finally approved.  It was an interesting process.  We used LegalZoom to help us with the initial application process.  It was a fairly detailed application process that took 6 months.  Among other things, it required us to provide detailed descriptions (that we had to rewrite a couple times), a lengthy application, and a proof of use.

It’s not a hard process.  It’s just a matter of reading A LOT of detail, gathering information, and filling out a few forms.  But it’s certainly a confusing process.  And throughout the whole thing we got bombarded with letters from lawyers everywhere!

Every letter explained how they could help, what we didn’t do right, and what would be done next.  Each one had all kinds of promises and a higher and higher price tag.  It was a good reminder of an important lesson.  If you’re willing to do a little work and put some puzzles together you can do a lot of things on your own – including getting a trademark approved by the USPTO.

Let’s be honest.  Getting a trademark for our logo isn’t close to the most important thing we’ll do to launch our business.  But it’s good to protect what little “brand” we may have one day, and it certainly makes it feel a little more real!

So when we open later this year, you’ll see this logo on our building….officially.