Christmas – The Great Escape?

Christmas – The Great Escape?

We are now right smack dab in the middle of the most wonderful time of year!!!  It’s almost Christmas!  There is so much to look forward to and celebrate, but it’s also important to make sure that people don’t forget how important finely tuned escape skills are during this holiday season. I know what you’re thinking.  This is just another article about when it is appropriate to “ghost” out of a party. NOPE!  I’m here remind you of some escapes that are much more central to this holiday.

First, and lets just hit the biggie.  Historically Christmas is celebrated for the coming of Jesus. And right after He was born, He had to duck town before crazy Herod found and killed Him. Talk about a pressure-packed escape!

Second, let’s credit good old Santa Claus with some impressive escape tactics. Think about it. In and out of homes all night long without getting caught by sneaky children staying up way too late!  From managing chimneys, guard dogs, and alarm systems, Santa is no doubt an #EscapeMaster.

Lastly, that darn elf! He sits around all day on a shelf just chilling, and then BAM, he is off to the North Pole to report to Santa without anyone even noticing!  What’s more is he sneaks right back in, makes a mess, and then just sits smugly about the entire next day. I don’t know if it is his small size or some sort of elf trickery, but I sure can’t figure out when he starts moving around.

So, there you have it.  The core theme of Christmas is definitely escapism! From our home to yours, we wish you a very happy holiday season!